[BC] The future of broadcasting...

Al Stewart stewarta
Sun Sep 3 16:59:19 CDT 2006

Yeah ... I recall a radio station that got tired of being told to play on the A side of singles ... so when a new recording came in my a certain artist they promoted the groves off the B side ... and it became a local hit ... carried over to a neighboring city. Stations there picked it up. Don't remember the song. Don't remember how far it went.


------ At 05:50 PM 09/03/2006 -0400, Jeff Johnson wrote: -------

>'Didn't want to hear' had little to do with listeners. A decade ago I asked the music director at a country station (where I worked as engineer) why a certain new tune he liked wasn't on the playlist. He answered that the song wasn't being promoted as a 'single' by the label, and we would not play it. The weekly 'adds' list, I discovered, was purely a fiction created by the labels. 'Music director' meant nothing.
>Jeff.Johnson at goodnews.net,CSRE
>>I'd love to see the business plan on this one.  "We're going to feature
>>all the songs that few wanted to hear the first time around"...
>>-dan in lansing
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Al Stewart
stewarta at kootenay.com
stewarta at xplornet.com

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