[BC] Tornado warnings

Powell E. Way III W4OPW w4opw
Fri Sep 1 14:02:55 CDT 2006

--- Kevin Webb <kevin at tieline.com> wrote:

> Now they run a tornado warning if they see the
> conditions are correct on
> Doppler radar and *not* necessarily an actual
> tornado.  Yes you can see the
> classic "hook" or comma signature of wind shear
> that's *likely* to turn into
> a tornado but that doesn't mean it IS a tornado.  

That's not what the doppler sees. It is put into storm
radial velocity mode, and if you get gate to gate....
max to max right next to it the system alarms. 

> I'd like to see someone do a study of when they run
> tornado warnings based
> solely on the radar signature vs. one that's
> actually touched down.  I'll
> bet they'll see that it is less than 1 out of 10
> times that signature turns
> into anything at all.  This is way too close to
> crying wolf and the result
> is the public turns a blind eye and doesn't take the
> warning seriously.
> Plus how many more injuries and deaths have occurred
> because of the "cry
> wolf" syndrome of late??
> Kevin Webb
> ------------------------------------

My wolf is better than your wolf...actually *I* get to
play with them....heh heh.

A hurricane / tropical storm spawns a lot of tornadoes
off to the north and east of the system. They form
VERY quickly and USUALLY are short lived, and not as
strong as the ones in the midwest. If the NWS Doppler
shows them ( and often in exceptionally heavy rain
they don't get them) forming, a warning is needed. 


w4opw at americanbroadcastdx.com

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