[BC] Media Buyer prejudices

Douglas B. Pritchett wbzq1300
Sat Jul 29 19:44:29 CDT 2006

This is not going to change until but business model for advertising 
agencies changes. It's beyond me why the people making the 
advertising buying decisions usually don't have enough life 
experience (let alone business experience) to balance their own checkbooks.
Years ago I worked for a national production house. We had handled 
the creative and production for a midwest-based auto group 
specializing in luxury imports which had just changed agencies. I 
recall a general meeting where, after the new agency rep had 
finishined her presentaion, the owner of the company asked why there 
were no upper end demographics targeted in the campaign. Without 
missing a beat the ad gal said "those old fogies won't spend a dime, 
their just waiting to die". The owner of the auto group asked the 
woman if he looked like he was ready to die. I don't believe they got 
the account.

Douglas B. Pritchett
Fort Wayne, IN
WBZQ1300 at verizon.net

Glen Kippel wrote:

>A lot of media buyers, especially
>national, don't believe that people over 55 buy anything.  They should
>recognize that those gray-haired people driving around in their Bimmers,
>Mercedes, Lexuses (Lexi?) etc. weren't given those as gifts from their
>grandchildren.  Did I mention that the world's largest dealer in Rolls Royce
>is right here in Rancho Mirage?  That they also sell Porsche, Audi, Jaguar,
>Aston-Martin and Lotus?
>And just who do you see in the fancy restaurants spending $100 - $200 for
>dinner?  Who is buying the $7000 dining room sets (pre-owned, at the
>consignment store -- originally $36,000)?  Hey, it ain't teenagers!

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