[BC] Re: Bad Audio

Jack Gardner zx422
Sat Jul 29 01:37:58 CDT 2006

Paul wrote:

"I'm listening to one station right now, it shall remain nameless.
They do the games via a Celljack with a headset mic. The Play By Play
Guy  often records an interview on tape and feeds that thru the jack via a
mini tape player.
It sounds so bad sometimes the words are literally un-intelligble.

  That sounds like it could be one of the Clear Channel AMs here in Sacramento.
The audio on KFBK is the worst I've heard anywhere in the world, including clandestine stations in Latin America. Field reporters hold recorders up to
crappy cell phones and feed audio so distorted it sounds like the praises of
Kim Jong-Il on Radio Pyongyang on shortwave. With the "new and improved
narrow bandwidth", the sound of the letter S will never again be heard over that
facility, even with a radio tuned to sidebands.

  The sister AM, KSTE, fills the morning airwaves with endless plosives because
someone is too cheap to put inexpensive "spit screens" in front of the RE-20s
so the morning boys might stay more than 1/4 inch away. Since the morning
show is simulcast on TV, I can see those two constantly touching and moving
the mics more than the hands of a teenaged girl heavily into nail biting. Maybe
the mic booms should be charged with a couple of kV of static electricity to get
those two to stop the masturbatory treatment of the mics.

There.......I've had my Rich Wood/Dana Puopolo moment!

Jack in Sactoville

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