[BC] Turning lemons into cherry cola

Tom Bosscher tom
Fri Jul 28 22:26:00 CDT 2006

Robert Orban wrote:

>.......I have to wonder if this blindness towards the 55+ audience is 
going to change now that the first baby boomers are turning 60. This is 
a lot of people, many of whom are financially at their peak, have a lot 
of buying power, and are used to getting what they want.

   It was explained to me that "Ya, the 55+ crowd has money, but you 
can't convince them to buy anything. They are too set in their ways". 
Like the 28 year old media buyer who knows everything. I asked this 
person how many studies they looked at before accepting this as fact> " 
Um, well, we all know this to be true"

I love that line from 'Fried Green Tomatoes', "I'm older and I've got 
more insurance"!

   Tom, at 53, Bosscher

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