[BC] Digital vs new (was: stamping opinions)

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo
Wed Jul 26 19:40:59 CDT 2006

Interesting comment Steve. The answer: I don't know. BUT what I DO know is
what's on the radio these days largely isn't working....and twice the amount
of it (a la' IBOC secondaries) isn't going to work either!

Perhaps going back to the basics is what radio needs. After all, we have a
whole new group of kids and young adults out there, who have never heard
'real' personality radio, true top 40 radio, easy listening, etc. How do we
know that  they haven't 'grown' into these formats? Answer: we don't!

Success will come to the creative ones who can produce compelling content that
people want to listen to. It won't come to the same thing in every market.

Research is a useful tool, but should only be used as that: A TOOL!
Why?  Because even the best done research can be flawed or just plain wrong! 
Didn't copious research tell Coca Cola that New Coke would be a resounding

I make my point!

Finally, let me bring this thought to you: Are Howard Stern, Opie and Anthony,
Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh personaliies? 

I believe they are....which is even MORE proof that personalities on the radio
can garner listeners and numbers. 


------ Original Message ------
Received: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 08:19:57 PM EDT
From: SteveOrdinetz <hykker at grolen.com>
To: <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Subject: Re: [BC] Digital vs new (was: stamping opinions)

But is there any real LISTENER demand for so-called "personality" radio?  I
don't mean a bunch of middle-aged radio guys reminiscing about the good old
days, I mean the general public.  There is copious research showing that
listeners would rather hear music than a bunch of yappy djs.  It was true 40
years ago when Bill Drake was programming the RKO-General stations, it's true
today.  The number of jocks who could pull off personality radio was very
small even back then.  There were lots more Jack Armstrong/Joey
Reynolds/Cousin Brucie wannabees that should have just done the time & temp
and gone into the next song instead of lame bits or character voices that
didn't work.

I also miss that kind of radio...the music was better too, but that was 
then, this is now.   


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