[BC] Making engineering pay

Rich Wood richwood
Tue Jul 25 07:51:59 CDT 2006

------ At 11:58 PM 7/24/2006, Rachel Ehrenberg wrote: -------

>I have been reading this thread as I ponder the 2nd half century of my
>life.  I know that I am now too old to be hired by most commercial (and
>maybe non-commercial) broadcasters.

That's illegal. No one would ever do that.

>now I am starting to think I'll just hang it up and do
>something else, be it here in the states or overseas as I have dreamed
>of doing.

I know so many people who have done just that. 
Some turned hobbies into businesses. Some did it 
because they were downsized and others because 
they were bored with the same job most of their 
lives. Two friends did move overseas. They love it.

>I hope young Paul Walker gets more education and experience in many
>areas of the industry so that he will be versatile enough to survive.

I'd go further than that for Paul. Find something 
besides radio you love to do. Mine was 
photography. If I decide I've burned out on 
broadcasting, I have something else I can 
immediately step into. If you lock yourself into 
a single industry you're likely to become a 
victim. I have friends in jobs they hate because 
they think there's nothing else they can do. 
That's not living. I wish you hadn't used the 
word "century." It sounds so much older than you 
really are inside. Accuracy can sound pretty bad.

>Yeah I?m depressed.
>    On the other hand, I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance

Me, too. I bought a car yesterday. I got tired of 
looking at it from the underside. I do my own 
repairs where I can. I now have a car payment and 
have to put collision on it because there's a 
loan. I went 15 years with no car payments on an old Jeep I love.

It's all in your perspective.


Rich Wood
Rich Wood Multimedia
Phone: 413-454-3258

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