[BC] WFIL 407As

stanleybadams stanleybadams
Mon Jul 24 21:13:46 CDT 2006

The 'on air' unit was from WTOP and is 1938/39.  I have the manufacturers'
plate but not on this computer.  

The KOMA unit was from about 1944 and was apparently built during the war as
the powers that be, did allow some units to be built based on priority. Have
the pictures of this plate too.

More to follow, I have notes from what are the remnants of a manual and an
entire 407A nearly new instruction manual that someone with an interest in
710 KC made some notes in it.  They will be scanned with photos and we have
some DVD of the unit while it was on the air which was a dub of some VCR
with 8mm tape.  Jeff Reynolds is the Chief up there and as fine a fellow as
you would want to meet.

Dave H and I both shot pictures and we are going to swap and see that the
best ones get on the web site.

So more to follow.  Everyone saw the post from Dave and from Wayne.  One
thing Jeff did say is that the KOMA perhaps came by way of Cleveland, so
that may or may not be true.  It looks as if KOMA people packed it with
teletype paper and most of the insulators and LAPP Capacitors were
individually wrapped and boxed.  The unit has been in storage for a long
time.  It does not have the typical two cabinet power supply as is seen in
some pictures, it is an external frame supported supply that is meant to be
kept isolated from people and it is entirely open.  All distribution wiring
is open, High High Voltage is all exposed as well as the bias and lower high

The 407 was nothing more than a WE 5KW transmitter with two additional
double wide power cabinets and the extra power parts.  Obviously the output
tuning and ATU's would need upgrading.  But a 106 plus the Amps equals a
107A and a 406 plus parts equals a 407, just like is mentioned in the
oldradio.com web page.  The 407 was switch able from 5 to 50 and then back
to whatever the 5 would be set to for night time operation.


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