[BC] Why One answer

Glen Kippel glen.kippel
Fri Jul 21 11:25:15 CDT 2006

On 7/21/06, JYRussell at academicplanet.com <jyrussell at academicplanet.com>
> One of the answers I was given years ago was that it was "paying your
> dues"... The reasoning was "Obviously, the well-paid CE for a bajillion
> watt
> TV powerhouse had to start somewhere... and you only get that kind of
> education a couple of ways... one way is to pay to go to college for it...
> the other, pay for it in labor and hands-on experience"...
> <snip>


Yeah, right.  And they EXPECT you to quit and find a better-paying gig
elsewhere, right?  And how much does it cost them to get someone else
trained in all the ins and outs of that particular installation?  Sounds
like false economy to me...


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