[BC] Scope for Mod Monitor...

gblau@jpc.com gblau
Wed Jul 19 12:18:03 CDT 2006

I'm surprised to hear you say this, Burt.  I'm wondering what obvious
thing I'm (as usual) missing.

If you have the luxury of being able to briefly kill modulation and
calibrate the scope with a dead carrier for, say, for 4 divisions of
deflection, then shift the vertical position down (or up if you're
Australian) two divisions and you can easily resolve positive peaks
within 5%.  If you want more resolution, crank in more vertical gain
when you calibrate it.

Gary Blau
Lincoln Financial Media
gary.blau at lfg.com  305-521-5140

-----Original Message-----
From: broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net
[mailto:broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net] On Behalf Of Burt I. Weiner
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 12:48 PM
To: broadcast at radiolists.net
Subject: [BC] Scope for Mod Monitor...


Yes, for negative peaks it's very easy to see carrier cutoff.  If you
want to set your modulation for +120% or the maximum 125% positive
peaks, a scope won't cut it.  Tone maybe yes, program, no.  The FCC
looks for excessive (AM) negative peaks with a scope.

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