[BC] WETT Ocean City--More true confessions...

Mark Humphrey mark3xy
Fri Jul 7 08:24:05 CDT 2006

On 7/6/06, Steve Michaels Productions <steve at stevemichaels.net> wrote:
> There was a contactor in the phasor that was tied into the power of the
> phase monitor that made the pattern more or less ND when the phase monitor
> was turned off.  The relay that was tied into the phase monitor was buried
> in the bottom of the phasing cabinet, wrapped in foam rubber.

At least they used foam rubber.  Black potting compound is fine for
hiding processor pixie dust, but wouldn't be the best way to conceal
an open frame relay!

This topic of pattern and power "cheaters" is interesting, as I've
suspected for years that a significant number of stations nationwide
are operating over legal limits in some way (besides modulation).  A
couple of years ago, a friend of mine discovered an FM transmitter
modified with hidden pots connected to the PA plate voltage and
current meters, as well as the reflectometer, allowing readings to be
scaled back at will.  And some of you may recall the FM station with
an RG-8 jumper from the transmitter leading into a wall, where it made
a transition to larger Heliax running the rest of the way to the
antenna... but in their 302 application they had calculated TPO based
on the low efficiency of the RG-8 over the entire length, and got

Anyone want to take a guess on the percentage of "cheaters" out there?
 Would you say 5 or 10 percent, or is it higher?


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