[BC] 10 kHz spacing / 9 kHz Receiver

JYRussell@academicplanet.com jyrussell
Thu Jul 6 10:05:52 CDT 2006

Wouldn't be surprised... the past few years have reminded  me of the 
DanO'Day bit about removing Ice Cream flavors... Remember how they used to 
carry all kinds of components, (even if they were consumer-grade, they still 
worked in a pinch... )  Now it's a pretty narrow selection...
printer refills and cellphones, and toy cars.

At one time, they were selling a Sony portable radio for 16.00 with
decent AM bandwidth.  I looked for it yesterday there, and they didn't
have it.  Guess I'm going to have to drive 20 miles to Radio Shack.  The
one in Gallatin has closed forever!

I heard Radio Shack was closing over 400 stores, nationwide!


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