[BC] I was WRONG!

Allen Sherrill warp99
Sat Jul 1 10:20:22 CDT 2006

>From: Larry Bloomfield <Larry at Tech-Notes.TV>
>According to the Federal Trade Commission, # 
><http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2005/04/dnc.htm> It is already illegal to use 
>autodialers on cell phone numbers, which eliminates most telemarketers.

It may be illegal for them to call cell phones, but it happens.  This past 
week, I started getting calls on my cell from an 800 number about every 20 
minutes during the day.  Phone would ring, but nobody was there.  This was 
especially annoying while I was attending a training session.

I called the number and it was one of those boiler-room outfits offering 
student loan consolidation (and I have never had a student loan).  It took a 
couple of calls to get them to leave me alone.

I have seen similar instances where telemarketers will repeatedly dial ISDN 

Allen Sherrill

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