[BC] Traffic reports

Cowboy curt
Thu Aug 31 13:34:41 CDT 2006

On Thursday 31 August 2006 02:23 pm, Larry Fuss wrote:
> > Don't you just hate it when you get to where some "Traffic and 
> Weather together" bunch just described a big accident "just in the 
> clearing stages" ... only to find it was long gone?
> I personally find it annoying to hear all the stations that promote
> "traffic and weather together on the 8's" (or the 6's, or whatever).
> I don't think there are too many people who ever know what that means.
> Remember, the vast majority of the public is totally ignorant.  I
> once had a call from somebody who asked when the news came on.
> When I told them "at the top of the hour", they asked "when is
> that?"

 In the days from whence the terms came, any idiot could look at
 any clock and figure out which was the top of the clock, and which
 was the bottom.
 Now, with digital clocks, it has only the legacy meaning.
 Most of the population doesn't remember analog clock faces at all.


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