[BC] Scary listeners

Barry Mishkind barry
Tue Aug 29 20:29:19 CDT 2006


It was the Z-Rock listeners who worried me the most, followed by some 
country audiences.

More than a few tower lights and coax became target practice after a 
format change.


At 05:49 PM 8/29/2006, Dale H. Cook wrote
>At 08:07 PM 8/29/2006, Stan Tacker wrote:
>>As you know, people who lost their favorite Easy Listening (never
>>call it Beautiful Music) station pose terrorist-like danger to the
>Been there, done that. Those listeners don't scare me. The ones who 
>worry me are the Modern Rock listeners who lose their favorite 
>station - they are far more likely to include people with the 
>skills, tools and inclination to mount an attack on their former 
>favorite's web and network resources. That is a major reason why my 
>number one rule of station network security is "Never tell the world 
>where you live."

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