[BC] Seedy Quality in IBUZ Ads

Rich Wood richwood
Fri Aug 25 17:32:23 CDT 2006

------ At 04:28 PM 8/25/2006, Robert Orban wrote: -------

>I just heard one of the HD radio spots. It claimed that the HD radio 
>stations sounded "just like a CD."
>This claim is just false. Couldn't they have used the old standby 
>"digital quality" instead of lying?

Welcome to the club. I've been complaining about the deception in 
claiming FM is CD quality and AM is FM quality. I used the term 
deception but "lying" is more accurate. Virtually all manufacturers, 
except Polk, stopped using CD quality in favor of "near CD quality" 
some time ago. Of course, the HD Dominion spots all claim CD quality. 
I think digital quality is accurate enough to be honest, since it 
really means nothing. What's ironic is that the Polk unit actually 
allows you to compare CDs with radio in the same unit. The Polk ads 
in audio magazines use the term CD quality.

I believe CD quality means that it follows the Red Book standard even 
if what ends up on the disk stinks after mastering.


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