[BC] Ignoring Station Procedures. "I Know Better"

Cowboy curt
Sun Aug 20 18:54:51 CDT 2006

On Sunday 20 August 2006 05:37 pm, Rich Wood wrote:
> ------ At 03:49 PM 8/20/2006, Dave Dunsmoor wrote: -------
> >I'm all for people doing their job correctly, but there's more than one way
> >to skin a cat, and sending them packing as the first line of 
> >instruction won't do it.
> I can imagine the reaction if a design engineer designed an array and 
> assigned another engineer to construct it. The second engineer 
> decides to change some of the design because he thinks he knows 
> better or was too lazy to do it the way it was designed. I wonder how 
> the original design engineer would respond. There's more than one way 
> to skin a cat. The design engineer should be very happy when told his 
> design was stupid. I'm sure the construction engineer modified the 
> drawings so everyone would know what changes he made. I'm sure the 
> FCC would agree that the changes the construction engineer made were 
> much better than the ones they approved.

 You don't have to imagine.
 Your observations on this are pretty much on target, and it paid me
 very well to straighten it out.


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