[BC] Low-Tech "EAS" & air-fillers

Gary Peterson kzerocx
Sat Aug 19 19:46:46 CDT 2006

" Typing before I had my morning caffine and my glasses on.
Regarding the above,  at the "0" second mark the announcer pauses  usually
for the ID which is done every minute in c.w.  "RR"  ._.,  ._.
 Tune around the AM dial at night it is usually on about three to five
on the dial.   At one time it was one of the most popular  networks in Cuba.
 (Controlled Media???)
Dave "


While on a Carribean cruise with my wife and another couple, I heard what
you describe.  I had taken a small all-band radio along and lisened to Cuban
"time" stations from the fantail while we were sailing along the north coast
of Cuba.

The interesting thing is that they were all one second off on the ? second
mark, when compared to WWV or WWVH.  It was verified with both my digital
watch and my friend's Accutron.  I cannot remember whether their error was
early or late, but we surmised that there had been a leap second correction
that they failed to observe.

I imagined Castro to have said "We don't observe no stinkin' capitalist leap

Gary, K?CX

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