[BC] Absolute Polarity (was XLR pinout debate)

Rich Wood richwood
Sun Aug 13 11:58:14 CDT 2006

------ At 09:43 AM 8/13/2006, Mark Humphrey wrote: -------

>About 15 years ago, I had a similar discussion with an assistant
>engineer I had recently hired.  Turns out he had some strong opinions
>concerning polarity, and one day he quietly slipped me a little book
>entitled "The Wood Effect" (as if it were a religious tract) and said
>"Read this."

I believe another book titled "The Wood Effect" is about to go to 
press. It'll be filed under Medical and will deal with the 
psychological effect my posts have on IBUZ cheerleaders. We're 
rushing the printing schedule so we can beat all the other people 
posting IBUZ problems.

It'll be good reading for engineers who were trained to do no harm 
and can't quite understand how to justify interference simply because 
a station doesn't sell in a market in which another station causes 
them preventable interference.


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