[BC] Fused plugs - was Hot and grounded chassis

Kirk Harnack kirk
Fri Aug 11 20:32:13 CDT 2006

Kevin Tekel wrote:
> All the night-lights and air fresheners that I have ever used 
> have a two-pin non-polarized plug, allowing them to be used 
> in an "upside-down"
> outlet.  Many also have a 90-degree swivel on the plug, so 
> they can be used in a sideways outlet, too.

Well, obviously I'm buying the wrong night lights and air fresheners.  I can
show you a half dozen of them that are oriented properly when the outlet is
installed with the ground pin down (putting the HOT side on the upper

What about all those 90-degree power cords that hang upside down when the AC
outlet is installed "properly"?  Every washing machine I've ever installed
has the power cord leaving "up", putting maximum pull on the plug (when the
outlet is installed "properly".

You'd *think* we could arrive at a standard for something as simple as this!


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