[BC] 8008s

Clay Freinwald cfreinwald
Tue Aug 8 18:54:47 CDT 2006

Remember the 8008-XE's.... They were really nice...Think Amperex
made them for a while...too bad they quit.   They glowed GREEN...

Too bad, a couple of generations of folks that have never seen an
AM rig with those rectifiers pulsing with modulation...it was a
great show and tell with the viewers convinced they were seeing
- power -.    Then there are those cold mornings with a HP rig
and the ka--pow of circuit breakers cause they were grumpy....
Learned to keep the filaments on from then on...

Clay Freinwald

 >>> enginr at iglou.com 8/8/2006 4:20 PM >>>
You can get anything you want!  I find that, even Ebay sales, are a good

 > Can you even get 8008's any more?
 > Art Reed

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