[BC] Can someone identify an old Collins 5?

Reader reader
Sun Aug 6 13:18:31 CDT 2006

Hello, Barry.

Perhaps you could help me on a question:  Back in the early '70s, I 
worked at a station that had two Collins transmitters.  The standby 
transmitter was the model 20T, which you have a picture of in your 
Collins section.  Next to it was the 5/10kW version, which looked 
exactly like the 1kW, but was built in 4 cabinets, and used 892R mods 
& finals, and 8008 rectifiers.  All of the tubes were visible through 
those big cabinet windows, and the rectifiers cast a glow in the room 
that pulsated with modulation.  It was a very impressive 
installation, especially for a youngster, just getting into the business.

Since then, I have not been able to find any reference to that 5kW 
transmitter, either pictures of even the model number.  Do you have 
any idea what it was?

Thanks for the resource.  I've enjoyed looking through the transmitters.

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