[BC] Powerpoles - was Flying off the shelves at a Radio Shack near you

Gary Peterson kzerocx
Fri Aug 4 08:25:04 CDT 2006

" Speaking of "universal doohickies", I've modified the power cables on
all of my 12 VDC electronic stuff -- including ham gear, GPS, HT,
laptop computer, 12 volt bench supplies, gel-cells, etc.  -- with
Anderson Powerpole connectors.   Also, I've wired adapters to convert
lighter plugs and sockets to Powerpoles, and made up a couple of
four-way Powerpole "cube taps" for use in rental cars.
Mark "


Don't forget to make up a Powerpole to alligator clip adaptor!    West
Mountain Radio and Saratoga make some pretty cool Powerpole distribution
boxes, fused with MOVs and reverse polarity protection.

Gary, K?CX
Anderson Powerpole convert

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