[BC] HDRadio

Mark Humphrey mark3xy
Thu Aug 3 10:23:46 CDT 2006

On 8/2/06, Dana  Puopolo <dpuopolo at usa.net> wrote:
> The irony is that HDTV audio is substantially better then IBOC audio (and
> especially IBOC stations with secondaries - HDTV audio simply blows that
> away!).

I expect more digital TV stations will begin to offer true "high-def"
audio-only services to home-based listeners, using spare bandwidth.
The set-top tuner boxes will likely cost less than "HD" table radios.

Jeremy Lansman's KYES-DT already features "super hi-fi music" on his
Channel 22.2, using 320k Dolby AC-3 and "no audio processing
whatsoever!"    For listeners outside Anchorage, he also offers a 128k
MP3 stream, which sounds amazingly good for its "size".  (I need to
set a memory in my Roku for this!)  See:


Due to the limitations of 8-VSB, "DTV radio" doesn't work very well in
cars -- then again, it's hard to distinguish good audio from bad in a
noisy mobile environment (which is what's saving XM and Sirius!)

There's a public TV station in upstate NY using excess DTV capacity
for an STL to one of their FM "repeater" stations, and it reportedly
sounds great.


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