[BC] HDRadio

Rich Wood richwood
Thu Aug 3 08:42:53 CDT 2006

------ At 10:44 AM 8/2/2006, JYRussell at academicplanet.com wrote: -------

>We'd rather not support Bush, or Condy Rice, or whatever
>because... if we can consistanly undermine support now, we can put Billary
>in office later! More Abu Grabe!!!!

Is torture what we're all about? I always looked at the US as a 
country that did good things for the world. You're killing the 
messenger. If the press hadn't been there we'd see much more 
officially sanctioned torture than we do. Remember, Rumsfeld fought 
attempts to follow the Geneva Convention.

Opposing torture isn't undermining support. Remember that soldiers 
doing their jobs were often the people who reported things they 
thought were wrong. While the people involved in this stuff are a 
tiny percentage of our troops, the ones who do do great damage to our 
image as the good guys.

The press' job is to keep watch on the government. You seem to have 
forgotten the endless stories of Clinton. Bush isn't alone in his 
"victimization" by the press. The difference is that Bush has a 
network of his own. FOX.

My disappointment in the contemporary press is its puffery. In a 30 
minute newscast very little is actual hard news. The Today Show was 
under the news division, unlike ABC's Good Morning America. It had a 
lot of hard news. Now it's celebrity interviews and "lifestyle" pieces.

One day, in a distant war, decades from now when receivers are 
available, I expect forcing prisoners to listen to IBUZ for more than 
3 hours will be considered torture (just to keep it on topic).


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