[BC] HDRadio

JYRussell@academicplanet.com jyrussell
Wed Aug 2 21:46:14 CDT 2006

You sound like me, sorta... I  like Red Dwarf on PBS.  Black Adder,  Open
all hours...
'Allo, 'Allo...

To me, the news is so slanted I can't stand it anymore   (lesseee.... Israel
hit a civilian facility by mistake and we covered that for a day and a
half... while the Hezbos lobbed 130 plus missiles over Israel that same day,
hitting few if any military targets...  But we didn't mention that bit,
except in passing.  We'd rather not support Bush, or Condy Rice, or whatever
because... if we can consistanly undermine support now, we can put Billary
in office later! More Abu Grabe!!!!  More about that poor slob had to wear
underwear on his head!  Scream about his rights !! Just plain aiding the
enemy, if you ask me.  )

   Yeah, they've got it real bad in Abu Grabe.  The prisoners eat better
than most Americans do.  We could have a prisoner of war system like the
Japanese had in WWII....

  And for my part- the other popular TV seems to be all about that shoe
salesman who can't say anything decent about his wife.  "C'mon, Al...  geez,
why did I marry that redhead..." or something similar.  The guy can't even
speak clearly.  Or a cartoon about a fat kid who curses a lot. Same
difference.  Garbage.

   'Bout the only other reasonable show for me on is Perry Mason (0400 -
0500) and MASH.

Even the UK news on PBS at midnight is more useful than our own...

Just my opin, not in High DeFINitiOn... or any other altered view of

(still remembering the idea of "Smell-A-Vision.", and looking for my tuner
cleaner ;-D )
Chuck Lakaytis
Director of Engineering
Alaska Public Broadcasting, Inc.
Anchorage, Alaska
907 277 6300
907 301 4339 (cell)

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