[BC] Cell Tech, killed by police at tower site

cldube cld
Tue Aug 1 08:51:34 CDT 2006

At Connecticut's premier transmitter site, West Peak in Meriden, there was 
rumoured to be
a deranged fellow who lived in the woods somewhere in the vicinity. In my 
years of working there
I never once saw anyone outside of the usual hikers and bikers, but there 
were several occasions when,
with the park was closed and gated, several large trees were dragged across 
the only road to the
transmitter site *after* I was was there for some time and on my way out.
It was not the most comfortable feeling getting out of ones vehicle to try 
to drag these things over to the side
to get out. At the time I didn't carry a cell phone, nor did I carry a 
weapon aside from a mag light and/or crowbar.
I made a few visits to the park authorities to complain, but I don't know if 
they ever saw
anyone. And for those familiar with the location and its lore, no, I never 
did see the ghostly black dog either ;)
But it was an interesting place to be at at 3am with the voices echoing up 
from the valley.
I'll bet we all have some interesting stories regarding strange encounters 
at tx sites.

C. Dube
Amherst, MA

Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 14:33:35 -0800
From: "Chuck Lakaytis" <chuck at akpb.org>
Subject: RE: [BC] Cell Tech, killed by police at tower site

I work in some pretty snotty places where the meth heads have become a
problem.  And there is the transmitter site where the nutcase always shows
up to badger me about all the things that have gone wrong in his life
because of "lectricity" in his brain.  "Chuck, I know everything 'bout

And yes I travel quite heavily armed: Nighthawk custom .45 and Remington 870
shotgun, the former for people, the later for bears and moose.

Chuck Lakaytis

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