[BC] Ed Murrow movie

Douglas B. Pritchett dpritchett1
Mon Oct 31 11:32:45 CST 2005

While Joe McCarthy's original goal can be debated, his techniques and 
politics of personal destruction can not. He might have had good 
intentions at the start, but when he realized his "power" he sought only 
to advance his career at the expense of some innocents.
Murrow exposed his methods.

Douglas B. Pritchett
Fort Wayne, IN
dpritchett1 at comcast.net

cldube wrote:

> I'm really looking forward to seeing that.
> Especially since within the last year I've heard some people (not 
> here) trying to defend the actions of McCarthy- saying that he had it 
> right all along. I know some people will favor the underdog in 
> history, but this is insane. The mindset that McCarthy embodied ruined 
> so many people's lives and was perhaps the most un-American movement 
> of the 20th century. Back in the 50's, a good friend of mine showed up 
> for work one day and found her boss had cleared out his desk and 
> disappeared. No one ever knew what became of him or his family. Is 
> this something that should happen to a law abiding citizen in the 
> United States? Some people still think so.

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