[BC] Re: Why FM took off in the 60's

Barry Mishkind barry
Sun Oct 23 16:35:43 CDT 2005

At 02:23 PM 10/23/2005, Robert Orban wrote

>The main objection to Elvis in 1955 was his sexualization of rock 
>and roll; it was a quantum leap beyond what Sinatra had done in his 
>"bobby socks" era, about 10 years before Elvis. I don't have a 
>problem with that.

         You are quite correct. It is hard to
         complain about small changes, essentially
         bringing "into the light" what had been
         in "pop music" - sexual and drug-laced lyrics
         - for decades.  The music of the 20s was
         called "scandalous" in those years ...

>  However, I am disturbed by popular culture that glorifies violence 
> and degrades and objectifies women. I _do_ think that there is an 
> absolute line regarding "corruption"; this line is not a moving 
> target to be defined down with each generation. Media that 
> glorifies (as opposed to examines) sociopathic, self-destructive, 
> or violent behavior steps over it. This is not a healthy thing for 
> media conglomerates to present as normative behavior to children 
> and adolescents, all for the sake of the almighty dollar. I know 
> I'm starting to sound like my parents, but there you have it.

         I don't think it is necessarily "sounding
         like  ... parents" .... I agree with you.
         The glorification of violence  (no -
         not violins, Emily) and the degrading
         manner of treating others shown in
         the "rap artists" efforts is no more
         a contribution to society than
         selling drugs, or making bank robbery
         legal simply because  banks don't have
         the best security available.

>I am a firm believer in the First Amendment, but I wish that major 
>entertainment conglomerates would police themselves better. 
>Sometimes, it's better to leave potential revenue on the table, 
>particularly if it's blood money, earned by defining deviancy down.
>(I can see that this discussion might be headed for AF :-)

         In some ways, perhaps.  I'll copy it there,
         and it can meander as appropriate.


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