Larry Fuss lfuss2
Fri Oct 14 10:43:24 CDT 2005

> The feds, for a cost of less than 800 feet of the "Big Dig", could 
supply every broadcast studio, and every city/county/state EOC/dispatch 
center with the Comlabs system. 

I'm probably the biggest critic of EAS there is.  I worked hard to make
it work at my stations in Mississippi, but finally gave up.  I've given 
up in American Samoa too, but that's another story - ask me about it
sometime.  One person cannot make a differrence when surrounded by a 
sea of idiots.  I know that in some places, people like Clay make it 
work - but in most places, it is a joke.  

That being said, I do think we need some form of warning system.  But if
it to be mandated, then the feds should pay for it.  Billions of dollars
of taxpayer money are thrown down rat-holes each year (the $200-million
bridge to a little town of 50 people in Alaska is but one example; and
we're gonna spend something like $250-BILLION to rebuild New Orleans).

The feds should hire brioadcast engineers, not bureaucrats, to design
a new system, and then, as Tom B. said, supply every broadcast station and 
every emergency ops center with the new equipment.  The cost would be 
minimal compared to some of the worthless things the government spends 
money on.  

Larry Fuss

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