Cowboy curt
Thu Oct 13 08:02:23 CDT 2005

On Thursday 13 October 2005 02:28 am, Keith Hammond wrote:
>Jerry Mathis wrote:
>> I'm probably not the only one saying this, but I've come to 
>> the conclusion 
>> that EAS has no place on Broadcast Radio or TV. Why? Because 
>> it only reaches 
>> those who happen to be listening/watching at that given 
>> instant. If it's 
>> 2:30 AM, very few people will get the warning.

 I'll respectfully disagree....

>  This is true but, you're advocating leaving US (the broadcasters)
>completely out of the loop! This will only further add to the illusion
>that broadcast radio and TV is only a source of meaningless drivel and,
>in order to get "fast-breaking facts and information", the public simply
>MUST turn to another (the inference will be) "more responsible source".

 That is quite true.

 Broadcast was originally chosen because it had ( and still has ) the greatest
 chance of reaching the most people in the shortest possible time frame.
 Until that changes ( although it is changing ) emergency action notifications
 *DO* belong on broadcast.
 This is both a public service, and a private opportunity.
 "We" can collectively do it right, and keep broadcast a viable medium
 forever, or "we" can botch it up even worse, and give away any chance
 of capitalizing the automatic audience it provides.

 It's been botched so badly now, that ( I've said it before ) even I, a 
 dyed-in-the-wool radio broadcaster, tune to TV when it counts.

 The question is not how we abdicate as quickly as possible ( signing
 our own death warrants ) but how we make it better.
 That's a public responsibility that rests with EVERY licensee.
 ( and it has nothing directly to do with share-holder value )

 With todays consumer equipment, auto-turn-on on receipt is not
 out of the question.
 ( though I don't want every silly weather alert for three states either )
 Further, with HD or IBOC or IBAC or whatever label one chooses, this
 becomes even more do-able than it ever was.
 It's already in the duck-farts for crissssake !

 The times, they are a-changing !



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