Magic words -was- Re: [BC] Air America

Cowboy curt
Tue Oct 11 09:02:42 CDT 2005

On Monday 10 October 2005 07:37 pm, WFIFeng at wrote:

>In a way, it makes me think of how you are not even supposed to *joke* about 
>hijacking when you are on an airplane.I don't think joking about sedition is  
>funny, and I don't think it should be done. Just like I don't find *anything* 
>at all funny about Homosexuality or Racism... but that's another subject 

 What *I* don't find at all funny, is the penchant toward "magic words"
 and the tendencies of some toward censorship of same.

 Just say the word hijack anywhere near an airport, and expect to be
 arrested and detained for some time. Same is true about the word bomb.

 The story has merit, about the woman who was told she could not get
 an earlier connecting flight because they couldn't move her luggage
 fast enough. She simply said that she understood because someone
 might have something in their luggage, and she was OK with not getting
 the earlier flight.
 She didn't get home for three days, two of which were spent being "detained."

 Magic phrase.

 Is anyone "safer" due to this kind of censorship ?
 Methinks not.

 By the same token, I will agree that certain show names, and phrases, may
 show incredibly poor judgement, but I disagree that it shouldn't be done.
 It SHOULD be done, as it provides me with information about the judgement
 of the the host, producers, etc. and allows me to make my own informed
 opinion about the merit ( if any. )
 Al Franken is entertaining, even if not completely in agreement with
 my own politics.
 Randi Rhodes is offensive, with her constant spewing of what I would
 clearly classify as hate-speach.
 Limbaugh is entertaining as well, while such as Savage is again what I might
 classify as hate-speach.
 In all four cases, I vehemently believe that to deny them the ability to
 say what they say, would do more damage by denying *me* the ability
 to make my own informed judgements as to the character of any of them.
 If asked, I will do anything in my power to get their show on the air !

 Am I somehow better off that such things as the "N" word can no longer
 be uttered in any context ? ( unless you happen to be of certain heritage )
 I've simply been denied the information by which I may judge the
 character of the individual making such utterance.
 That word was used in a Bernie Mac show episode, which obviously
 sought to show the way words can be misinterpreted.
 It was neither inappropriate in its context, nor gratuitous, but central
 to the theme.
 What I did find inappropriate gratuitous, and offensive, was the ten second disclaimer
 prior to the episode that the show contained "inappropriate" language,
 when the language was so appropriate as to make the entire episode
 meaningless had it been left out, or censored.

 I am not offended by words, but I am deeply offended by their censorship.
 Even if I *am* offended by some words, I am far more offended by the
 institutional denial of one to use them, and to show me their true character,
 for good or for ill.

 There are some on this very list, who's lack of judgement in what they write
 has led me to conclude that I'll never work with them.
 Thankfully, they are very, very few. Only one comes immediately to mind.
 Thank God they wrote what they wrote, and expressed themselves as they
 have, for without that I'd never have known.

 Let Morning Sedition continue, and any and all like it.
 Now, I know where they stand.


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