[BC] Common Sense: Paying attention; was... Silence sense?

Rich Wood richwood
Sat Oct 8 13:08:46 CDT 2005

------ At 01:42 PM 10/8/2005, Douglas B. Pritchett wrote: -------

>I would give a week's pay just to hear some jock with life in his 
>voice actually talk up an intro to an upbeat mass-appeal hit! 
>Please, someone tell me I can find someone who're entertaining 
>without having to say the word "penis". For land's sakes, doesn't 
>any one have fun on the medium anymore with out ridiculing others, 
>putting personnel or listeners in harm's way or playing 31 hits in a row.

You are showing your age. You want Showbiz. That went out of radio in 
the last millennium. Mass appeal hit??? That's what people are 
complaining about. Too many mass appeal hits and not enough Tibetan 
bells. Fun? We don't allow fun on Wall Street. Fun is frivolous. It's 
much better to hear Sean Hannity pass gas from the wrong end.

Maybe one of those IBUZ secondary channels will do something like 
what you want. I understand there's going to be some awesome stuff 
there. Can you hold out for another decade or so?


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