[BC] Satellite EAS

Rich Wood richwood
Thu Oct 6 11:23:19 CDT 2005

------ At 09:12 AM 10/6/2005, Tom Bosscher wrote: -------

>p.s., I am talking only about their ground based repeaters. And all 
>100 channels need to be overridden. Isn't Rep Dinkle from Detroit on 
>the board of the group in Congress that watches over the FCC? Hmm, 
>I'm a Michigan taxpayer and have been for a long time. Maybe I need 
>to send him a letter and inform him about this loop hole that 
>endangers the lives of our children?

So you're willing to risk my life and all those who live in 
non-repeater areas? That's harsh. I know I'd feel high anxiety 
without EAS in all my communiations. I even want EAS on my land line 
and cell phone that will interrupt the game I'm playing that's 
draining my battery.

Robert has repeatedly said radio is dead. How will he be saved if 
he's not tuned to his favorite radio station? Again. very harsh.


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