[BC] Sign of the times?

Cowboy curt
Wed Oct 5 12:55:09 CDT 2005

On Wednesday 05 October 2005 12:47 pm, khcs at juno.com wrote:

>Uh ... yeah.  A couple of years ago I got a call from an outfit that was putting
>a new station on the air in our area.  They asked if we had any studio space to
>rent.  I asked, how much space, and it boiled down to about a square foot for
>a cheap Mackie mixer, a mic, and a CD player that could be connected to the
>transmitter site via phone line to somehow satisfy the FCC requirement for a
>studio.  They also asked if I could be the "Manager" and I put that in quotes
>because the station is nothing but a glorified satellator, with absolutely no local
>content, and there would be really nothing to manage.  They have a satellite dish,
>receiver, transmitter and a 1-bay antenna up on the hill.  That's it.  Last I heard,
>their Public File was at the Riverside County Library in Palm Desert.  Somehow I
>don't quite see this as fulfilling the "public interest, convenience and necessity."          

 Dollars to doughnuts I know who that outfit is, and that's one reason
 I'm no longer with 'em, and haven't been for a decade or so....



Manual, n.:
	A unit of documentation.  There are always three or more on a
given item.  One is on the shelf; someone has the others.  The
information you need is in the others.
		-- Ray Simard

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