[BC] XM Radio Interference

David Lawrence <david@onlinetonight.net> reader
Mon Oct 3 17:10:04 CDT 2005

On 10/3/05 9:37 AM, one WFIFeng at aol.com <WFIFeng at aol.com> wrote:

 > iPod transmitters also default to 87.9

Actually, they don't anymore (if you're talking about the Griffin iTrip, the
most commonly sold of the dozen or so that are available) - now, they are
tunable (or as you put it recently "frequency agile") and actually don't
include 87.9 as an optional frequency. The unit, the iTrip2, is a snap to
use, but so far has been woefully inadequate in terms of power. And...it's 3
times as expensive.

Use the older, less expensive iTrips if you can find them.


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