[BC] horns

Jeff Johnson jjohnson
Tue May 31 13:33:42 CDT 2005

>They had exactly the same opportunity to confront the Justice Department
>as IBM did, but they apparently thought it would be a better course to
>break up the company to permit diversification into the computer arena.
>AT&T's capitulation surprised everyone including the judge handling
>the proceeding.
>Phil Alexander, CSRE, AMD

It is rare that as technology evolves 'old line' companies morph 
successfully into the new technology. An example is seen with steam 
locomotive manufacturers. Alco, Baldwin, and Lima tried but never really 
had the heart for it. Now it is GM and GE.

I am reading a book entitled "Tin Stackers", the history of the Pittsburgh 
Steamship Line (United States Steel) on the Great Lakes. My reference is to 
the demise of the great American steel companies, USS, Bethlehem, etc., 
that have disappeared or diminished due to an inability to evolve.

Civilizations and religions have repeatedly met the same fate

Jeff.Johnson at goodnews.net 

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