[BC] could someone explain this to me?

Tom Bosscher tom
Fri May 27 15:40:19 CDT 2005

     My take on most talk radio listeners is that they feel left out of 
the political process or, in the case of liberal fanatics, see things 
going on that they want the government to control.  In many cases it's a 
male PH.d complaining that other don't see things their way. They hate 
Christians. In all 50 states of the union, Chrisitans going to church 
have not produced any secular problems in the state. Liberal  fanatics, 
including the dominant main stream media, will push against Christians 
on all grounds. To us, so close to the industry, this seems like a 
major, if not destructive, misuse of broadcasting. We tend to see the 
entire population giving Dan Rather and his buds, a mandate. There are 
still red people in blue states. Also understand that most of it is 
schtick. Schtick gets better ratings than reasoned debate in a world of 
sound bites. Try to proclaim "Fair and Balanced", and you will be 

It's hate radio to be sure. They hate the "white middle class." They 
hate immigrants even though they will hire them to clean their houses.  
They hate immigrants even though they claim to "be the best friend of 
the down trodden. They hate Blacks who make it on their own, without the 
governments help.  For simplicity Talk Radio deals in black and white. 
No shades of grey or coloring of any kind. The nature of "Neutral NPR 
news" is hype. Exaggeration. Hysteria makes for great ratings among the 
already convinced. Talk Radio requires no thought, just an emotional 
reaction to often inaccurate information. America is for Americans, even 
though we're all immigrants except Native American Indians. It's an "I 
got in, now shut the door" mentality.

My belief is that the vast majority of the population belongs to a 
different "silent majority" - moderates. They're probably listening to 
the local "Lite AC" station trying to get away from all the world's 
controversy. If we ever needed Easy Listening it's now. Look around you 
and see how many real people are on the extremes. Not many. Most are in 
the middle and conservative on some issues and liberal on others.

Most of us have some kind of bigotry. Watching CBS or NBC or listening 
to NPR gets us off the hook by letting someone else express it.

       tom bosscher

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