[BC] plans

Bruce Doerle bdoerle
Thu May 26 05:01:11 CDT 2005

I always enjoyed my trips to Britain when I coordinated frequency usage with BBC on shortwave.  I use to stay at the Bedford House up the street from ALwich Circle (my spelling is terrible).  I loved buying model trains in England except for the prices.  It is probably worse now.  Did you ever know Mike Stills at the Beeb engineering?

>>> clive at citiria.com 05/26/05 1:27 AM >>>

>It is cheaper if you just croos the border at one of the holes in the fence
in Arizona.
>Have a nice trip to the UK, where in the UK are you going?
** Pretty much everywhere. I will be visiting as many radio creative persons
as possible to promote Mike's new album, Methane Dreams. Maybe a few clubs
as well. And then to the Isle of Man for at least a few days. Then I will
probably fly to Spain, an old friend has a villa on the Costa del Sol.
Aiming to spend at least 4 weeks, probably 5.
Best wishes -

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