[BC] vestments

Bill Croghan loteng
Tue May 24 11:21:49 CDT 2005

Love the new title for this thread!
	Maybe it's because of my hobby of Civil Air Patrol Search and
Rescue, but I carry a full 24 hour survival pack in the Expedition at all
times.  It contains a full change of clothes (old but serviceable), food,
water, and a bunch of other stuff that would help me get along if stuck out
in the country or on the mountain side for an extended period of time.
(Contact me off list if you want the complete list as we use in CAP).  With
luck, my ham radio or cell phone would bring me help, but I never count on
that.  It all fits into a gym bag and is out of the way behind the tools
until needed.
 	This may be the desert, but this year we had snow on Mt. Potosi well
into April.  When I lived in Colorado it was often later.


Bill Croghan CPBE WB?KSW
Chief Engineer, 
Lotus Broadcasting
Las Vegas, NV
Email to loteng (at) lvradio.com
Phone 702-315-3030
Fax      702-876-6685

>> On a similar note, my car once broke down on the way to a transmitter
>> for scheduled maintenance on a rainy night.  I was 5 miles from the
>> nearest farmhouse, wearing a light jacket because I fully expected to go
>> directly from the nice, heated car to the transmitter building and back
>> again.  It was almost 6 hours before a car came along, and I was able to
>> get his attention by laying on the horn and flashing the headlights.  I
>> was pretty much on the verge of hypothermia by that time, and of course
>> nobody at the station wondered why I hadn't called and sent out a search
>> party.  Since then I have always carried a warm but ratty old sweater,

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