[BC] The SBE and the NFL

Radio Magazine Radio
Tue May 24 09:16:16 CDT 2005

There have been several posts about the SBE and NFL Game Day Coordinator
(GDC) program. Many of them include incorrect assumptions. However, the
most important items to clarify are:

The NFL pays the SBE to provide a service. That service arranges for a GDC
to handle the NFL needs during all pre-season, regular season and post-season games.
This does not include the Super Bowl. Each GDC can receive a payment and a
reimbursement for personal expenses for each game.

Mario, you have many questions and concerns about the SBE and particularly
the NFL GDC program. This method of communication has proven to be
inefficient in answering your questions and addressing your concerns. Ray
Benedict, John Poray and I ask you to contact one of us directly to
arrange a time to discuss this intelligently in person or via a telephone

Chriss Scherer, CSRE CBNT
vice president, SBE

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