[BC] in *backyards*

Blake Bowers bbowers
Tue May 24 08:31:52 CDT 2005

> Power poles in *backyards*??? Pardon me while I climb back on my chair...

Well, it beats the front yard, but both are pretty common.

Cheapest and fastest way to get power to so many people

> Is this one of those specially American things like, cars that invariably
> explode when they fall off cliffs, houses that explode throwing people in
> all directions, and guns that never run out of bullets?

Nah, it is done elsewhere.

> I suppose that the same home owners might also have gas storage tanks for
> the gas company also in their back yards, and perhaps a personal cell 
> array
> like some idiots down the road from me, here in sunny Mexico?
> Clive. (Feeling faint.)

Primarily propane tanks, although some of us have diesel
fuel tanks also.  Think that is scary, think of Germany, where many
houses were built with BIG fuel tanks in their basement...... 

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