[BC] Look Professional and Be Professional

Bill Croghan loteng
Mon May 23 19:50:58 CDT 2005

>   A truly professional broadcast engineer presents two things in addition
>  to technical competency:  professional attitude and professional
> appearance.

	Jack has hit the nail on the head.  Remember that if you want to be
paid as a professional, treated as a professional, respected as a
professional you must act as a professional.  I own 1 pair of jeans.  My
t-shirts are worn to clean the pool and at the gym.  I have plenty of good
casual pants and shirts that have been ruined by the job that I can wear for
the dirty work, the overnights, and the times I can expect to get dirty.
Most of my work pants and shirts come cheaply from Wal Mart, Pennys, etc.
They may not last as long, but they are no big loss if messed up.  Meanwhile
I present an appearance to the boss and the clients I meet that is
professional, not some stereotyped geek image or Joe slob appearance.  I've
gone from under the console to the mayor's office in the same hour, and been
reasonably dressed for both.  If I didn't have the skill, all the clothes in
the world wouldn't matter, but if I didn't present a professional appearance
and professional attitude, I would not get the chance to prove my ability.
Good appearance is part and parcel to good professional attitude.  If you
are proud of yourself, proud of your ability and proud of your profession,
you'll show it.  If you dress slovenly and carelessly, You are setting
yourself up to expect to be treated the same.


Bill Croghan CPBE WB?KSW
Chief Engineer, 
Lotus Broadcasting
Las Vegas, NV
Email to loteng (at) lvradio.com
Phone 702-315-3030
Fax      702-876-6685

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