Mon May 23 12:05:53 CDT 2005

Dan wrote -

>Wasn't there a newspaper in Harrisburg named the Press? And didn't the
>newspaper own WHP at one time? If that's correct, WHP was most likely a
>requested call sign. And if so, its history is different from that of WHA,
>WHB, WHK, WHN , WHO et al.

There is a newspaper in Harrisburg called the Harrisburg Patriot. WHP was owned by a publishing company that did print niche newspapers. People over the years have made the jump to assume that the Harrisburg Patriot owned WHP and that was the meaning of the calls. The official station history has become corrupt over the years, but I don't recall any ties to any daily newspaper.
The original owner was Mack Battery Service. So, one would think that it was either the luck of the draw in getting WHP or they were requested for Harrisburg, PA. My history file has gone AWOL but I'll double check my memory with someone who has a copy of the history sheets within the next day or so.

Randy Shaffer
Harrisburg, PA

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