[BC] Poor choices

Bill Croghan loteng
Fri May 20 18:18:10 CDT 2005

	The 3rd choice, and the one that counts is the one that has worked
for me, Talk to the manager, explain what your problem is.  Most of them are
not really stupid or they probably would not have gotten to management.
(Nepotism excepted)  If he is unable to respond intelligently, then your
only option is start looking before the ulcer or heart attack.  If you are
competent, not a shirker, able to show photo evidence of your work, can get
decent references from the PD's, Jocks and others you have worked with as
well as other engineers in your areas, then the jobs are out there.
Personally I'd flip a lot of burgers before I'd put up with that crap.  
	I have had few of the problems related to this, but have managed to
survive them and outlasted more than one less than good manager.  One trick
is to remember to do whatever you can reasonably to make the manager look
good.  If you are doing that, then the Manager is more likely to see your
side for his own benefit.  I don't mean to suck up, but do things that will
make him look good to the folks he has to answer to.  Show him where you
have saved him money.  Produce that extra that lets him sell more remotes,
come up with that gimmick that lets the morning show do something they can
sell.  An adversarial relationship is always doomed for the git go.  Try to
see his point of view, and help him to see yours.  If all else fails, there
are a lot of ways to make a living that are less prone to heart attacks and


Bill Croghan CPBE WB?KSW
Chief Engineer, 
Lotus Broadcasting
Las Vegas, NV
Email to loteng (at) lvradio.com
Phone 702-315-3030
Fax      702-876-6685

>         ... and here is the set of poor choices:
>         1. Accept the screaming. The paycheck
>         continues ... for the moment. But, at the
>         least, the relationship is "broken." And
>         the managers somehow "smell" that and
>         make alternate arrangements before you
>         are ready for it.....
>         2. Tell the manager you are done. The
>         paycheck stops ... and health insurance
>         does, too.
>         ... is there another choice?
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