Dan Strassberg dan.strassberg
Fri May 20 14:25:46 CDT 2005

Wasn't there a newspaper in Harrisburg named the Press? And didn't the
newspaper own WHP at one time? If that's correct, WHP was most likely a
requested call sign. And if so, its history is different from that of WHA,
WHB, WHK, WHN , WHO et al. I can believe that there were quite a few
four-letter sequentially assigned calls that began with WHA. A few that are
still in use are WHAM, WHAS, WHAT, and WHAZ. I know that WHAZ has had the
same calls since it signed on in 1922. More than likely, that is also true
of WHAM, WHAS, and WHAT. I think there is also a WHAG, but I imagine that
the current WHAG was not part of the original WHAx sequence.

Dan Strassberg, dan.strassberg at att.net
eFax 707-215-6367

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