[BC] AM skywave

Scott Cason scason
Mon May 16 21:33:55 CDT 2005

>>In my opinion if it hadn't been for Linbaugh and the resergence of talk
formats the majority of the former clears would all be religious.

Regardless of how you feel about him, or your political ideas, if it hadn't
of been for Limbaugh, a majority of the AM radio stations would be off the
air.  There had been several attempts to try the talk format before
him....remember "NBC Talks!"?  And Larry King had some reasonable amount of
success.  But it was Limbaugh who showed station owners and management that
money could be made in conservative talk.  That opened the demand for others
like Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Boortz, et al.

Scott Cason

LaGrange Communications, LLC

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