[BC] Canada (was: Your site in view)

Mark Humphrey mark3xy
Tue May 10 08:14:17 CDT 2005

I agree that Canada appears more open-minded and willing to consider special factors in allocation cases.  However, the government agency that oversees broadcast technical matters is Industry Canada -- not the CRTC, which only regulates programming and licensing decisions. 
I've often wondered how different things would be here in the US if the two roles were played by different agencies.   Perhaps we would see fewer politicians trying to repeal the laws of physics!

DANA PUOPOLO <dpuopolo at usa.net> wrote:
Actually, Canada has a pretty accurate terrain model. They frequently base
station separations on terrain shielding: ie: two cochannel class A's need
only be 40 miles apart if there's a mountain range between them. They also
employ directional antennas for allocations, etc. All in all, their CRTC is
much more "enlightened" then our FCC.


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