[BC] Terraserver - KVI, Seattle

Andrew Skotdal andrew.skotdal
Sun May 8 17:49:36 CDT 2005

> The ground system extends under the sand and out into the salt water.

Now, having spent some time installing ground radials, I have to ask:
how'd they do that?

They probably did it the same way it was done for another radio station
in the Puget Sound area - secured an Army Corps permit to head out in a
boat with a spool of copper at slack tide in the morning (over several
days) and drop the copper end over the side of the boat attached to a
cement block.  3/4 of the KVI ground system is in the salt water (but
it's been argued that the system has eroded quite a bit).  The beach
part was basically trench and bury, probably manually, and out to the
water as far as you could go on low tide.  

I'm guessing it's the same for KNEW, San Francisco - take the boat, drop
the copper overboard.  I'd like to see somebody post some TerraServer
photos like the KNEW link I've provided, but show them from Florida or
the Gulf states...I know there are lots of these salt water AM sites.
I've seen some from Florida, but would like to see more.  Those were
some great shots of WCBS/WFAN from High Island.  I've been told there
are a few sites on the Ol' Miss like that, too.  Can anybody on this
list prove it?

KNEW - The best antenna site ever and not the only one of its kind...


-----Original Message-----
From: broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net
[mailto:broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net] On Behalf Of Dave Dunsmoor
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 3:29 PM
To: Broadcast Radio Mailing List
Subject: Re: [BC] Terraserver - KVI, Seattle


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