Robert Orban rorban
Wed Jul 20 19:32:12 CDT 2005

At 11:58 AM 7/20/2005, you wrote:
>From: "Ernie Belanger" <armtx at mhcable.com>
>To: "Broadcast Radio Mailing List" <broadcast at radiolists.net>
>Subject: Re: [BC] NRSC-5
>But no one is going to force stations to broadcast in digital. So the
>government in essence sets up a monopoly for iBiquity but since it is not
>mandating digital broadcast they are not "actually" setting us a monopoly
>because no one is forced to play.
>Lets split those hairs into a few more microns of pieces shall we!
>What the industry should do is push for a mandated digital date. This would
>blow iBiquities whole plan. They then couldn't charge royalties becaue the
>system would be mandated.
>Lets beat them at their own game.... push for the mandate to broadcast in
>digital by a set date and avoid the royalties!!!!!!

A government-mandated monopoly does not preclude payment of 
royalties; there is a nice revenue stream going to the patentholders 
of technology used in the ATSC system. But the technology must be 
licensed in a reasonable, fair, and non-discriminatory manner and 
time limits apply (i.e., when the patents expire). The ATSC system is 
fully disclosed in such a way that those skilled in the art can 
practice it; there are no undisclosed trade secrets that would give 
the ATSC patentholders revenue streams in perpetuity.

Bob Orban 

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